Will the products be delivered from one lot?
Generally yes. If this should not be possible we will inform you and agree on a procedure with you. In case you would like to receive more than one lot please inform us accordingly.
When will I typically receive the goods?
We are shipping the goods normally within one week after order receipt. Depending on your location we do have regular fixed weekly shipping days for each country. Please check for your specific country. If you are in a specific hurry please let us know and we will try to fulfill your requirements.
How will we receive the goods?
We ship the goods either on pallets or in boxes. Transportation will be done under temperature controlled conditions – documentation regarding the transport conditions can be requested either by your local contact or by us. On request and at cost price we can add USB-Temperature-Logger.
How much product fit on one pallet?
Dishes: up to 77 boxes (at 1,80m height), corresponding to 7700 contact plates or 4620 settle plates.
Bottles: depending on weight up to a maximum of 400kg per pallet.
Do we get a certificate for the pallets used?
PMM uses only plastic one-way euro-size pallets to ship goods to customers. Therefore there is no need to supply certificates regarding the treatment of wooden pallets.
What are the packaging sizes of PMM-products?
90mm-plates → 60 pieces per box
55mm contact plates
→ 100 plates for gamma-irradiated products (CSG)
→ 120 plates for single-bagged products (CS)
100ml infusion bottles → trays with 20 bottles
200ml screw-cap bottles → trays with 12 bottles
500ml screw-cap bottles → trays with 8 bottles
1000ml screw-cap bottles → trays with 8 bottles
What is the maximum lot size of PMM products?
90mm-plates → ca. 16.000 plates / lot
Contact plates → ca. 27.000 plates / lot
Bottles (depending on filling volume)
→ 100ml = ca. 5.000 bottles / lot
→ 200ml = ca. 2.500 bottles / lot
→ 500ml = ca. 1.000 bottles / lot
→ 1000ml = ca. 500 bottles / lot
Are the certificates available online?
Certificates can be downloaded from our web-page by the following procedure: → Downloads === Download certificates: please enter the first three digits of the art.-code and the 6-digit lot-number.
On request certificates can be send in printed version together with the shipment.
Are BSE/TSE certificates available?
Yes – for most of our products BSE/TSE certificates are available. If available they can be downloaded from our web-page together with regular certificates.
How are PMM products stored?
Please store the products as indicated on our boxes.
→ Plates are typically stored at 15-25°C. However the temperature should be as stable as possible within this temperature range to avoid the formation of condensation. Please make sure that plates are always stored upright.
→ Bottles are typically stored at 2-25°C
Can media be used at the last day of the shelf-life?
Yes! We are performing our shelf-life tests at least 14 days after the official shelf-life period.
Is there a possibility for receiving customized products?
Yes – please send your inquiry and we will do a feasibility check if we can provide such product to you!
Do all plates have a locking lid?
Yes, all plates filled by PMM have a locking lid. The contact plates already have a double locking system, where you can fix the lid either in the vent or the closed position. The 90mm plates are with a single locking system, where the plates can be fixed in the closed position. However, we intend to launch the double locking system for the 90mm plates by the first quarter 2017.
Which lid position should be used for which application?
For routine incubation lids should always be turned to the “closed”-position. Only for anaerobic incubations the lid should be turned to the “vent”-position
Why do I have anaerobic organisms in the “vent”-position?
For incubating anaerobic organisms it is important to remove as much oxygen from the air as fast as possible. For this purpose the plates are put into an anaerobic incubator or an anaerobic jar. Only if the lid is fixed in the “vent”-position it is guaranteed, that the residual oxygen can be removed fast enough to allow for growth of anaerobic micro-organisms.
How can I fix the lids in the “vent”- or “closed”-position?
Please download the product description for art. 100.0100 from our web-page.
Is the bag-material gas-tight?
Yes – the bag material can be used for example with VHP as used in isolators without hydrogen peroxide passing through the material.
What is the typical storage condition for PMM products?
90mm plates: 15-25°C – please store the plates upright at any time
Bottles: 2-25°C
What is the irradiation doses applied to PMM CSG products?
9-20 kGy – gamma-irradiation
Which barcode is used on PMM products?
A data matrix code is used. For the exact composition of the code please check any product description of PMM plates.
Which information is coded in the data matrix code?
The following information is coded in the data matrix code: product name (abbreviated) as well as the date of expiry as well as the lot-No. as well as an unique identification number.
Does PMM have a Quality Management System?
Yes – a quality management system is implemented.
Is PMM certified according to ISO?
Yes - PMM is certified according ISO9001/2015.
Is a quality manual available?
According to which regulations does PMM manufacture media?
We are following the following guidelines:
→ GMP – where applicable
→ ISO 9001/2015
→ EMA410/01
→ VO (EG) 1069/2009
Which QM procedures are established?
→ Validation/qualification
→ Equipment control
→ Environmental monitoring
→ Deviation Management
→ Change Control
→ Supplier qualification
→ Internal audits
→ Customer audits
→ Document management
→ Training procedures
I haven´t used 10 plates for my environmental monitoring controls. The plates were opened under a biosafety cabinet What should I do?
We do not recommend to reintroduced a sealed bag in the safety cabinet or a critical area. Reintroducing the plates in a critical environment may then cause contamination. Also, manipulation by an operator could be a source of contamination. In case you would like to use the plates left, our recommendation is to use them for a non-critical application.The risk to contaminate a plate may be higher than the savings made.
Are customer audits accepted?
Yes – please contact us at info@pmm-leimen.de for arranging an audit.